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Reporting Integrity Matters



Reporting Integrity Concerns to Skate Australia and Sport Integrity Australia​
Skate Australia has adopted the National Integrity Framework. This means that some complaints can be reported directly to Sport Integrity Australia for management.
Anything that may constitute Prohibited Conduct under the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, or that may constitute discrimination based on a protected characteristic, should be reported to Sport Integrity Australia.
Reporting Integrity Concerns to Sport Integrity Australia​
  • You can report directly to Sport Integrity Australia by filling out the Complaint Form on their website (below)

  • Phone: 13 000 27232 (select option 3 for an integrity matter or option 5 for a doping matter).


Please report the following matters straight away:


  • Misconduct with a child

  • Sexual behaviour with or around a child

  • Shaming, humiliating, intimidating or belittling a child

  • Causing a child physical pain or discomfort

  • Supplying of drugs or alcohol to a child

  • Discrimination based on:​

    • Race or ethnicity​

    • Age

    • Disability

    • Sex or sexual orientation

    • Religion

  • Doping (managed under the Skate Australia Anti-Doping Policy)​


You can also report any prohibited conduct under the Member Protection Policy, if it involves a child.




All alleged breaches in relation to other Skate Australia policies will be managed by Skate Australia.
Reporting Integrity Concerns to Skate Australia
Anyone in Skate is entitled to report their concerns directly to Skate Australia.
Complaints will be managed as per the Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy.
Skate Australia will evaluate and assess your complaint; however, your complaint may be delegated to your state association or club for investigation or an alternative organisation such as the Police or Child Protection agencies if required. Skate Australia wll assist these organisations with the management of your complaint to ensure it is handled confidentially and in accordance with our policies.

You must be willing to provide your contact details. Complaints cannot be submitted anonymously.


If you have questions about an integrity concern, please contact the Skate Australia National Integrity and Complaints Manager –


















In addition, please report to Skate Australia if at any time, you:


  • are approached to fix a game, event or other Skate activity

  • are interviewed by law enforcement about any criminal offence, including match-fixing

  • witness any unacceptable behaviour in Skate

  • need to carry needle equipment for a medical purposes AND are competing in Skate events


Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I make a complaint?

  • Complaints help us take action against people who aren’t upholding the integrity standards of our sport. By speaking up – you are protecting all other people around you.


I’m not sure where my complaint should be lodged. Who should I contact?


What are the requirements when submitting a Complaint to Sport Integrity Australia?

  • Skate must have adopted the National Integrity Framework;

  • The alleged Prohibited Conduct must have occurred after Skate's adoption of the National Integrity Framework (1 May 2022);

  • Your matter must relate to the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, Doping or Discrimination;

  • You must be the alleged affected party (or a parent/guardian of the alleged affected party);

  • The person accused of the wrongdoing must be bound by Skate's policies, and;

  • You must be willing to provide your contact details. Complaints cannot be submitted anonymously.


What type of complaints does Sport Integrity Australia manage?

  • Sport Integrity Australia can only manage complaints relating to alleged breaches of prohibited conduct under the National Integrity Framework that relate to the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, Doping and Discrimination.


Are there other avenues available to me if I have a concern?






Note: Complaints can only be managed by Sport Integrity Australia if the alleged conduct occurred on or after 1 May 2022.

  • Concealing information about Prohibited Conduct

  • Selection and Eligibility disputes

  • Competition Rules disputes

  • Code of Conduct breaches

  • Social Media Policy breaches

  • Governance misconduct

  • Employment disputes

  • Complaints that are solely a Personal Grievance

  • Whistleblower Disclosures

  • Any conduct that occurred before Skate's NIF commencement date

  • Any other policies that Skate has

  • Abuse

  • Bullying

  • Harassment

  • Victimisation

  • Sexual Misconduct

  • Match, race or competition fixing and other types of Competition Manipulation

  • Supplying inside information for the purposes of gambling

  • Betting by members on their own sport

  • Unlawful use of over the counter or prescription drugs

  • Inappropriate use or provision of supplements

  • Use, possession or trafficking of illegal drugs

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