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Integrity Complaints from 1 May 2022

Skate Australia's National Integrity Framework and partnership with Sport Integrity Australia comes into effect on 1 May 2022.

This means that from 1 May 2022, any complaints in relation to alleged breaches under the National Integrity Framework (including member protection, child safeguarding, misuse of drugs and medicines and competition manipulation and sports wagering) will be managed independently by Sport Integrity Australia under the Complaints, Disputes & Discipline Policy.

The Skate Australia National Integrity Framework policies can be found on our website here.

All members of Skate Australia and our affiliated state associations are bound by this Framework. This includes skaters, support personnel, employees and volunteers.

How to submit a complaint?

Anyone can submit a complaint. If you think someone or an organisation has breached the National Integrity Framework in our sports, you can report your concern or lodge a complaint through Sport Integrity Australia

Sport Integrity Australia will be assessing all integrity-related complaints for our sports.

If you have any questions or concerns about the complaint process, contact the Skate Australia National Integrity Manager or Sport Integrity Australia directly.

NSO Integrity and Complaints Manager: Ariane de Rooy - 0482 601 769

Sport Integrity Australia: or 13 000 27232


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